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A new Missions Curriculum & Teaching Series
Throughout the pages of Scripture, there is a beautiful promise that all kinds of people from every place imaginable will be a part of the family of God— even those who are far off. We have an open invitation to participate in this story. Have you discovered what your place might be in bringing the gospel to the nations?
Designed For Small Groups
Weekly teaching videos to stir your heart for the world.
Use these videos in a small group, Sunday school class, or even for a self study. No matter how you engage with the content, we believe you'll be inspired and refreshed in your faith.
Created by a pastor with leaders in mind.
Our curriculum is designed specifically for pastors, providing tools and insights to enhance your ministry. Dive into a wealth of study guides and resources that support your mission and enrich your congregation.
Sermon Outlines
Ivan created sermon outlines in addition to the recorded messages. Pastors can access these to use as a guide in leading their church.
Connect with Ivan
If you have any questions or would like to connect with Ivan about being a guest speaker, don't hesitate to drop him a line.